Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Effects of Dota

Computer Game Addiction â€Å"Responsible gaming is an attitude we need if we are engage into Computer Game. Developing this attitude is not a personal choice alone, it requires the participation of society (parents, school, game developer and government). â€Å" As a computer game user,player and fan, it has led me to study the effects of playing computer games such as DOTA, KHAN, and other highly innovative and competitively graphical games. The purpose of the study was to establish an understanding of to what extent is the effect of playing online games, network games and other types to the studies of the students in the university where I graduated. While it was difficult to set a parameter of classifying games according to types and quality since I and my friend believed that the characteristics of the games have something to do with the addiction of students to playing, we thought that it would be safe to just assume games as if have the same characteristics even though these games are under of different types and of the different level of complex graphical presentation, level of real-time experiences, the plot of story it is trying to project and a lot more qualities. Thus, if we quantify the effects then assumption holds that each game that we have studied has a relatively the same impact to students considering its character/quality. However, the extent of its impact is relatively different when we talk about the degree of variation to students experiences towards gaming. This shows therefore that in studying game addiction, it requires a rigid classification and parameter identification to clearly qualify and quantify the impact of this activity to the life of students and Human in general. I encountered several unique experiences when we did the study, and it has given me knowledge on the magnitude of effects whether it is health, study, social, and family and even money issues. One of result says that female players is exactly the same compared to male players when it comes the time of engagement to games. This means that women has started playing games as early as 4 years old as the time of engagement of men revealed, and they women also spent closely 5 to 8 hrs on the average everyday just like men does. † The proceeding discussion will talk about the games, the different types of game and the hundreds available game in the market. Posted on Tuesday, 17. 02. 09 @ 10:55 PM Effects of DoTA It is a kind of neither a game that excites the students to play because of the new updates that come across that game, Data can be an online game nor a local game, can be played by group. This is a kind of character game, means that they're aiming a good character. This is a bloody game on computer. There are many students and even some young professional are addicted to Defense of the Ancients or Data. This is a kind of computer games that can be played by many players and is one of the most popular games to young students.Many students get addicted to this game and they even long hours inside the computer shop Just playing this kind of game. There are studies that getting addicted in playing computer games affects their studies and this is the cause why hey are lying to their parents that they need extra money for their school project but the truth is they are Just using the money to rent a computer where they can play Data with their classmates.Sometimes in order to make the game exciting, they have a deal to pay those who won the game so it becomes already a form of gambling. When time spent on the computer, playing Data games or cruising the internet reaches a point that it harms a child's or adult's family and social relationships, or disrupts school or work life, that person maybe caught in a cycle of addiction. Like there addictions, Data game has replaced friends and family as the source of a person, emotional life.Increasingly, to feel good, the addicted person spends more time playing video games or searching the internet. When a person spends up to ten hours a day or more rearranging or sending files, playing games, surfing the net, visiting chat rooms, instant messaging, and reading emails. That easily can reach up to seventy to eighty hours a week online with the computer. Major social, school or work disruptions will result.Description of Researcher's Role In this study we had many roles to be tag along and to be acted upon depending n the situa tion. In our research we, the researchers are the instruments. We interact and collaborate with our respondents and gathers data by ourselves. However, in quantitative research, we are non-existent we use instruments to collect data and do not interact with our respondents. These roles and their accompanying broadly stated problems for deliberation are suitable to the Collaborative Research Model in mind.We the researcher's of this case applied these roles: We conducted interviews on our respondents: Data players/addicts Researched some information's in the internet regarding in our case Read books in the library for the aromas Joint our opinions with regards to the topic We considered our limitations in conducting the interview Conclusion After gathering information during our interview and analyzing the information on the case of the effects of Data, we therefore conclude that this Data game has a great effect to the person who are playing on it and come to an end of addiction.The player of this game doesn't matter with their ages and status. From the young to adults Data is the game that is mostly played. It also leads the players to make risky behavior that tends Data players forget their obligations and also their personal Hygiene. Data also complicates relationship on family, friends and special someone. As a whole Data can change the lives of the people who used to play this game. Schematic Diagram Body Data Origin DATA was originally created by a legendary mapmaker called Just by his alias â€Å"Lull† (hence the item Eel's Scepter of Divinity) on of Warrant Ill : Reign of Chaos World Editor.Upon the release of the Frozen Throne expansion, Lull failed to update his map and generous enough to let others develop the map into what we known today as DATA Alistair by another mapmaker called â€Å"Guising† (hence also the item Guising). With the great features of World Editor, DATA maps was even more creatively developed in the 6. X versions by today's DATA Alistair main programmer called â€Å"Iceberg†. Until today, Iceberg declares official map editions of DATA even though many other World Editor mapmakers edit DATA maps in subtle different ways.World Editor is a JOSS-Asynchronous Scripting Syntax)-based application software used to create and edit AD game maps in Blizzard ‘s Warrant Ill. The mapmaker can custom the game through existing virtual palette for units, buildings structures, terrains, sectors, and cameras views. There is also an added pallet imported from Statecraft map editor called doodads (for waters, trees, bushes, boulders, skeletons, fire pits, and others). SASS programmers can specify triggers on how units respond to specific events in the game. These triggers are the building blocks of Data's gamesman.It is the reason why neutral units would retaliate when being attacked and all surrounding enemy units to attack Axe when he pumped the berserker call skill. Any instruction from the gamer pr ompts a trigger and so on with other triggers – a chain reaction of triggers. The editor of Warrant maps and game customs has really surpassed all other forms of game editor in the sense that even novice mapmakers can understand and can easily get along. No wonder why Ells have given up so much inspiration to custom Warrant games the way we wanted to, and customize the map that we always want to play to – the DATA Alistair.So before Iceberg customized the most popular version of DATA Alistair, before Guising updated DATA into Alistair, and before Ells created the DATA custom game, the Blizzard programmers had already handed down to us this great World Editor to kick that creativeness out of gamers lawful minds. Warrant, in general, and DATA Alistair, in particular, may not be this dynamic without the World Editor's provision to enrich the game itself in the farthest way Blizzard could have imagined. The History of Data Much of Defense of the Ancient's gamely stems from inspirations from the Neon of Strife map, available for both Statecraft and Warrant 3.Neon of Strife, also known as ASS, is a modified map that pioneered the concept of players choosing a single hero for the collective objective of destroying the opposing team's base (relatively a new concept for ARTS games). To accomplish this goal, players employ a myriad of strategies based on teamwork and competitive play. Ass-type maps may include many differing features and functions to increase the level of competitive play (I. E. Items that give power, towers that alter gamely, and objectives that win the game).Defense of the Ancient was originally created for Warrant Ill: Reign of Chaos by lead programmer Lull up until the release of Warrant Ill: The Frozen Throne. Lull did not continue development onto The Frozen Throne; and instead, made the map open source before officially shutting down development. In the following days/weeks of Eel's absence, many different variations of Data began t o pop-up including: Data Darkness Falls Data Chaos Data All-stars *other variations exist, but the chronological order is as of yet unconfirmed.From the sea of selection, however, Data All-stars became the most popular version, and is still the most widely played map today. Balancing Studies and DATA The more you excel in Data, the more you flunk at school. -not true. Improving in Data is not all about playing 10 or more games per day. Players improve by how well they learn after winning or losing a game (most of the time in losing). Players who are hard headed and don't believe that they lost because what they are doing is wrong, will never be a better player. The best way to balance studies and Data is having strategies for both.These strategies are the things you're going to think of on how you're going to improve quickly. 1. Pay attention at school. Most players are spending all night playing Data and still daydream about Data when it's school time. You have to focus on what you 're doing at the moment. If you are in the classroom, listen, take notes, do your seat works. Forget anything else unrelated to your studies. . Play moderately. Do not exhaust yourself too much to avoid getting dizzy at school in the morning or worst getting absent/late. Also, you have to reserve energy to study for announced/unannounced quizzes. . Pay attention at your game. When it's playtime, play wisely. Use your limited time to the fullest. 2 or 3 games every afternoon are enough to be a great player after 1 or 2 months. You have to focus on your strengths and weaknesses. Develop your strengths and convert your weaknesses to strengths. 4. Observe the factors that affect your studies. If you find it hard to study after laying, you should study first before playing. In my case, I find it hard to study after losing therefore I used Data as a reward after studying. 5. Know when not to play. Be the master of your own body.If you have a report on the following day or an examination, chances are you need more time for that. You have to sacrifice playing which is not and shouldn't be your priority. 6. Don't mind the insults. If you are insulted for being a weak player, don't be offended causing you to play more hours trying to prove to them that you are a great player. Be offended if you're scolded by your teacher for not doing a simple emperor because of playing all night. 7. Cutting-class is a drug. You try it once, you'll get addicted. Never cut-class if you want to graduate on time. 8. Know when to quit.Know when Data cannot be included in your schedule anymore. For example, in my case, I have to do advance reading and projects. I gave up playing competitive Data and Just play whenever I'm free (twice or thrice a week). Now that I am a lot busier, I'm going to update my blob twice per week instead of everyday. Just like any sport, Data shouldn't be treated as a priority. Play it for fun and play it moderately. Rules in Data Like any other games Data itself ha s its rules. 1. Leaving a game or the use of hacks will result in a ban. 2. If either team has less than 4 people remaining, you may leave without a ban.If the opponents are down one player, and you want to leave to make it even, all allies must agree to it in ALL chat.. 3. Forfeit is allowed after 50 minutes have past and your entire team agrees in all chat by saying â€Å"IF† or â€Å"forfeit†. In a vi, the team of 4 can forfeit after 30 minutes. 4. Remake is allowed if 6 or more players agree (at least 2 from each team). Remake is also allowed if someone leaves in the first 15 minutes ND 3 or more people agree to remake within the next 2 minutes. 5. Going AFC frequently or for long periods may result in a ban. 6.Intentional game ruining things like item stealing from allies and creep blocking are bankable. 7. You may not telephoto into an enemy base without your creeps there, any other backcombing IS allowed. 8. Racism or extreme trash talking may result in a report for review by a neutral moderator. 9. Swapping players without their consent is bankable Data Heroes Karakul, Troll Warlord He has gar attack strength after crisis level 6 provided correct items are chosen. Troll is best hero in data because of his matter bash and attack speed he he very strong skills and perfect item definitely and offense.Tracer, the Drown Ranger Very easy to use yet very strong AS. Does not require complex combination of skills, she Just needs the right combination of items. Best character. When enemy hero silenced and chilled and you have divine rapier. No chance for him Easy to kill enemies. When coming to late game, that's when she shines. She will become unstoppable! Hussar, The Memo Kid I think hussar is the great hero†¦ Best build items†¦ (means, treasure, armlet, and nominator†¦ To Achieve the great and powerful strength of hussar. If you know the correct move, you can kill everybody.HUSSAR is the best among the rest†¦ My best item bui ld( threads, satanic, armlet, ginghams and 2 heart of treasure†¦ ) Dark Terrors, Faceless Void Amazing character. Will be kill with chromospheres plus cranium basher.. I think everybody will feel so SICK. This is the hero that got me caught up in data, from the first time I played him amazing dude. The best killer data. For attack his third skill for stun. And 5 sec chromo to kill INTO hero. Lustful, Auras Warrior Using his artichoke along with overpower really makes us ‘godlike'. Enrage also gets him on top of all the heroes of dot A.Provide him with the abyssal blade, a Shiva's guard and the loather's educe and rest leave to him. His awesome speed can also make a difference. Choose him once and you will never think of another hero. Behold the vela's offering in his claws, anything is undone. Level 4 of Furry Swipes he's ready to reclaim what Reason stole. He has deadly skills and sank kill Russian in level without test Dragon Knight Dragon knight can be anything. Using his skills he can be anything; from a stunner to oilier, and even a pusher. DC is the best HERO 4 me. Because he has a super AS! COOL! 😀 With the ARMOR and REGENT.. Find a way to run..There the Dragon's rage come.. † Bungalow, Electrotype He should be the best because his attack speed and strength is so remarkable when he turns into a wolf. So cool, So awesome. For me bungalow, electrotype is best for me, because even you did not give inventory to him, he still powerful†¦ From bon BUNGALOW CAN BEAT ANYONE Seven, the Rogue Knight Strongest melee heroes, his God Strength beat everything and when the enemy runs†¦ Say hello to Storm Bolt. Seven got the God's Strength no one can beat him with God's Strength even troll he Just go get basher and make for troll he is Tank, Hitter, Stunner, Runner (war cry) and what? s then dagger then stun then hit rampage. Brachium, Spirit Breaker Fast runner and good for the team and wear madness With Mask of madness, power threads and crystals you will be able to make a kill in 4 seconds. Brachium is an awesome hero and with proper items he is unstoppable. Coo he runs fast sometimes it cool. Carded Sharpe, Dwarves Sniper Just try it with an item build of gangs and hash, butterfly, burial-do-Kenyon, monkey inning bar, heart of treasure and power threads. Carded is the best in long range appearance.I know that he is weak, but he can also finish the Job. That's why I chose him than drown ranger and I want you all to use carded because he as great skills (especially by his last skill) and I now he is slow at speed. Fragile yet very strong and precise as the name suggests. He's easy to play as but hard to master. Only a true DATA player can use him at his fullest potential. My advice is to HIT fast and HIT hard. Be Polite. Be Efficient. Be Professional. Never Kill Steal. Assassinate/ Data Heroes for STRENGTHEarthquakes Seven Tiny Skunks Bushmaster Clockwork McKnight Hussar Alchemist Brewster Treat Protector Wisp Centaur Warner Timbers Tusk Axe Budge Sand King Slander Thundered Skeleton King Lifestyles Night Stalker Doom Spirit Breaker Electrotype Chaos Knight Undying Magnums Data Heroes for Agility Anti-Mage Drown Ranger Juggernaut Marina Morphing Phantom Lancer Vengeful Spirit Rick Sniper Template Assassin Ulna Bounty Hunter Auras Gyroscopes Lone Druid Nag Sire Troll warlord Bloodsucker Shadow Fiend Razor Vengeance Faceless Void Phantom Assassin Viper Clinks Bloodmobile Weaver Specter MopeONYX Assassin Clark Medusa Data Heroes for Intelligence Crystal Maiden Puck Storm Spirit Windsurfer Zeus Liana Shadow Shaman Tinker Nature's Prophet Enchantress Jakarta Chem. Silencer Ogre Magi Rubric Disruptor Keeper of the Light Bane Lice Lion Witch Doctor Enigma Necrology Warlock Queen of Pain Death Prophet Pug Dazzle Lasher Dark Seer Batterer Ancient Apparition Invoker Outward Devourer Shadow Demon Visage Advantages and Disadvantages of Data The life style of the youth who have been playing Data is af fected by the game. There are both advantages and disadvantages for them. Let's talk about the advantages iris.As one of the most playable games online, Data can make the players become alert in the mental. They will also turn to be strategic and cooperative. Through computing the magic, damages, gold, physical reduction present and the other stuff, they will get more lore in mathematics. Thus, the youth can get benefits from playing Data. However, not only does the game has advantages, it can also generate the bad effects. It is said that the body system will be weakened. The way the young people think along with their mind will be corrupted. They will not take the money and moral values seriously in life.Heroes in the game often use powerful units. They also have allied heroes and AAA-controlled fighters called â€Å"creeps† who can offer the assistance. Over the mission, gamers are required to purchase the equipment with gold. They have to level up their hero. It may lead them to irresponsibility if they cannot control themselves to deal with time management and priority. They will become lazier and forget the studies. Owing to the game, they may also break the relationships with the family members. What's worse, they will lose their temper and values by the foul languages alike â€Å"Trash talks†.The triggers always exist potentially. More money will be wasted if they cannot stop playing the game. Although the game is funny, you cannot be too addicted. Self-control is extremely important in the modern times. DATA Advantages 1 . Data helps the youth who are playing this game to become mentally alert, cooperative, and strategic. 2. It increases their knowledge in mathematics by computing the gold's, damages, magic and physical reduction present in the game. 3. Playing DATA are for the youth to communicate teenagers who initially don't know each other can easily be friends. Effects of DoTA It is a kind of neither a game that excites the students to play because of the new updates that come across that game, Data can be an online game nor a local game, can be played by group. This is a kind of character game, means that they're aiming a good character. This is a bloody game on computer. There are many students and even some young professional are addicted to Defense of the Ancients or Data. This is a kind of computer games that can be played by many players and is one of the most popular games to young students.Many students get addicted to this game and they even long hours inside the computer shop Just playing this kind of game. There are studies that getting addicted in playing computer games affects their studies and this is the cause why hey are lying to their parents that they need extra money for their school project but the truth is they are Just using the money to rent a computer where they can play Data with their classmates.Sometimes in order to make the game exciting, they have a deal to pay those who won the game so it becomes already a form of gambling. When time spent on the computer, playing Data games or cruising the internet reaches a point that it harms a child's or adult's family and social relationships, or disrupts school or work life, that person maybe caught in a cycle of addiction. Like there addictions, Data game has replaced friends and family as the source of a person, emotional life.Increasingly, to feel good, the addicted person spends more time playing video games or searching the internet. When a person spends up to ten hours a day or more rearranging or sending files, playing games, surfing the net, visiting chat rooms, instant messaging, and reading emails. That easily can reach up to seventy to eighty hours a week online with the computer. Major social, school or work disruptions will result.Description of Researcher's Role In this study we had many roles to be tag along and to be acted upon depending n the situa tion. In our research we, the researchers are the instruments. We interact and collaborate with our respondents and gathers data by ourselves. However, in quantitative research, we are non-existent we use instruments to collect data and do not interact with our respondents. These roles and their accompanying broadly stated problems for deliberation are suitable to the Collaborative Research Model in mind.We the researcher's of this case applied these roles: We conducted interviews on our respondents: Data players/addicts Researched some information's in the internet regarding in our case Read books in the library for the aromas Joint our opinions with regards to the topic We considered our limitations in conducting the interview Conclusion After gathering information during our interview and analyzing the information on the case of the effects of Data, we therefore conclude that this Data game has a great effect to the person who are playing on it and come to an end of addiction.The player of this game doesn't matter with their ages and status. From the young to adults Data is the game that is mostly played. It also leads the players to make risky behavior that tends Data players forget their obligations and also their personal Hygiene. Data also complicates relationship on family, friends and special someone. As a whole Data can change the lives of the people who used to play this game. Schematic Diagram Body Data Origin DATA was originally created by a legendary mapmaker called Just by his alias â€Å"Lull† (hence the item Eel's Scepter of Divinity) on of Warrant Ill : Reign of Chaos World Editor.Upon the release of the Frozen Throne expansion, Lull failed to update his map and generous enough to let others develop the map into what we known today as DATA Alistair by another mapmaker called â€Å"Guising† (hence also the item Guising). With the great features of World Editor, DATA maps was even more creatively developed in the 6. X versions by today's DATA Alistair main programmer called â€Å"Iceberg†. Until today, Iceberg declares official map editions of DATA even though many other World Editor mapmakers edit DATA maps in subtle different ways.World Editor is a JOSS-Asynchronous Scripting Syntax)-based application software used to create and edit AD game maps in Blizzard ‘s Warrant Ill. The mapmaker can custom the game through existing virtual palette for units, buildings structures, terrains, sectors, and cameras views. There is also an added pallet imported from Statecraft map editor called doodads (for waters, trees, bushes, boulders, skeletons, fire pits, and others). SASS programmers can specify triggers on how units respond to specific events in the game. These triggers are the building blocks of Data's gamesman.It is the reason why neutral units would retaliate when being attacked and all surrounding enemy units to attack Axe when he pumped the berserker call skill. Any instruction from the gamer pr ompts a trigger and so on with other triggers – a chain reaction of triggers. The editor of Warrant maps and game customs has really surpassed all other forms of game editor in the sense that even novice mapmakers can understand and can easily get along. No wonder why Ells have given up so much inspiration to custom Warrant games the way we wanted to, and customize the map that we always want to play to – the DATA Alistair.So before Iceberg customized the most popular version of DATA Alistair, before Guising updated DATA into Alistair, and before Ells created the DATA custom game, the Blizzard programmers had already handed down to us this great World Editor to kick that creativeness out of gamers lawful minds. Warrant, in general, and DATA Alistair, in particular, may not be this dynamic without the World Editor's provision to enrich the game itself in the farthest way Blizzard could have imagined. The History of Data Much of Defense of the Ancient's gamely stems from inspirations from the Neon of Strife map, available for both Statecraft and Warrant 3.Neon of Strife, also known as ASS, is a modified map that pioneered the concept of players choosing a single hero for the collective objective of destroying the opposing team's base (relatively a new concept for ARTS games). To accomplish this goal, players employ a myriad of strategies based on teamwork and competitive play. Ass-type maps may include many differing features and functions to increase the level of competitive play (I. E. Items that give power, towers that alter gamely, and objectives that win the game).Defense of the Ancient was originally created for Warrant Ill: Reign of Chaos by lead programmer Lull up until the release of Warrant Ill: The Frozen Throne. Lull did not continue development onto The Frozen Throne; and instead, made the map open source before officially shutting down development. In the following days/weeks of Eel's absence, many different variations of Data began t o pop-up including: Data Darkness Falls Data Chaos Data All-stars *other variations exist, but the chronological order is as of yet unconfirmed.From the sea of selection, however, Data All-stars became the most popular version, and is still the most widely played map today. Balancing Studies and DATA The more you excel in Data, the more you flunk at school. -not true. Improving in Data is not all about playing 10 or more games per day. Players improve by how well they learn after winning or losing a game (most of the time in losing). Players who are hard headed and don't believe that they lost because what they are doing is wrong, will never be a better player. The best way to balance studies and Data is having strategies for both.These strategies are the things you're going to think of on how you're going to improve quickly. 1. Pay attention at school. Most players are spending all night playing Data and still daydream about Data when it's school time. You have to focus on what you 're doing at the moment. If you are in the classroom, listen, take notes, do your seat works. Forget anything else unrelated to your studies. . Play moderately. Do not exhaust yourself too much to avoid getting dizzy at school in the morning or worst getting absent/late. Also, you have to reserve energy to study for announced/unannounced quizzes. . Pay attention at your game. When it's playtime, play wisely. Use your limited time to the fullest. 2 or 3 games every afternoon are enough to be a great player after 1 or 2 months. You have to focus on your strengths and weaknesses. Develop your strengths and convert your weaknesses to strengths. 4. Observe the factors that affect your studies. If you find it hard to study after laying, you should study first before playing. In my case, I find it hard to study after losing therefore I used Data as a reward after studying. 5. Know when not to play. Be the master of your own body.If you have a report on the following day or an examination, chances are you need more time for that. You have to sacrifice playing which is not and shouldn't be your priority. 6. Don't mind the insults. If you are insulted for being a weak player, don't be offended causing you to play more hours trying to prove to them that you are a great player. Be offended if you're scolded by your teacher for not doing a simple emperor because of playing all night. 7. Cutting-class is a drug. You try it once, you'll get addicted. Never cut-class if you want to graduate on time. 8. Know when to quit.Know when Data cannot be included in your schedule anymore. For example, in my case, I have to do advance reading and projects. I gave up playing competitive Data and Just play whenever I'm free (twice or thrice a week). Now that I am a lot busier, I'm going to update my blob twice per week instead of everyday. Just like any sport, Data shouldn't be treated as a priority. Play it for fun and play it moderately. Rules in Data Like any other games Data itself ha s its rules. 1. Leaving a game or the use of hacks will result in a ban. 2. If either team has less than 4 people remaining, you may leave without a ban.If the opponents are down one player, and you want to leave to make it even, all allies must agree to it in ALL chat.. 3. Forfeit is allowed after 50 minutes have past and your entire team agrees in all chat by saying â€Å"IF† or â€Å"forfeit†. In a vi, the team of 4 can forfeit after 30 minutes. 4. Remake is allowed if 6 or more players agree (at least 2 from each team). Remake is also allowed if someone leaves in the first 15 minutes ND 3 or more people agree to remake within the next 2 minutes. 5. Going AFC frequently or for long periods may result in a ban. 6.Intentional game ruining things like item stealing from allies and creep blocking are bankable. 7. You may not telephoto into an enemy base without your creeps there, any other backcombing IS allowed. 8. Racism or extreme trash talking may result in a report for review by a neutral moderator. 9. Swapping players without their consent is bankable Data Heroes Karakul, Troll Warlord He has gar attack strength after crisis level 6 provided correct items are chosen. Troll is best hero in data because of his matter bash and attack speed he he very strong skills and perfect item definitely and offense.Tracer, the Drown Ranger Very easy to use yet very strong AS. Does not require complex combination of skills, she Just needs the right combination of items. Best character. When enemy hero silenced and chilled and you have divine rapier. No chance for him Easy to kill enemies. When coming to late game, that's when she shines. She will become unstoppable! Hussar, The Memo Kid I think hussar is the great hero†¦ Best build items†¦ (means, treasure, armlet, and nominator†¦ To Achieve the great and powerful strength of hussar. If you know the correct move, you can kill everybody.HUSSAR is the best among the rest†¦ My best item bui ld( threads, satanic, armlet, ginghams and 2 heart of treasure†¦ ) Dark Terrors, Faceless Void Amazing character. Will be kill with chromospheres plus cranium basher.. I think everybody will feel so SICK. This is the hero that got me caught up in data, from the first time I played him amazing dude. The best killer data. For attack his third skill for stun. And 5 sec chromo to kill INTO hero. Lustful, Auras Warrior Using his artichoke along with overpower really makes us ‘godlike'. Enrage also gets him on top of all the heroes of dot A.Provide him with the abyssal blade, a Shiva's guard and the loather's educe and rest leave to him. His awesome speed can also make a difference. Choose him once and you will never think of another hero. Behold the vela's offering in his claws, anything is undone. Level 4 of Furry Swipes he's ready to reclaim what Reason stole. He has deadly skills and sank kill Russian in level without test Dragon Knight Dragon knight can be anything. Using his skills he can be anything; from a stunner to oilier, and even a pusher. DC is the best HERO 4 me. Because he has a super AS! COOL! 😀 With the ARMOR and REGENT.. Find a way to run..There the Dragon's rage come.. † Bungalow, Electrotype He should be the best because his attack speed and strength is so remarkable when he turns into a wolf. So cool, So awesome. For me bungalow, electrotype is best for me, because even you did not give inventory to him, he still powerful†¦ From bon BUNGALOW CAN BEAT ANYONE Seven, the Rogue Knight Strongest melee heroes, his God Strength beat everything and when the enemy runs†¦ Say hello to Storm Bolt. Seven got the God's Strength no one can beat him with God's Strength even troll he Just go get basher and make for troll he is Tank, Hitter, Stunner, Runner (war cry) and what? s then dagger then stun then hit rampage. Brachium, Spirit Breaker Fast runner and good for the team and wear madness With Mask of madness, power threads and crystals you will be able to make a kill in 4 seconds. Brachium is an awesome hero and with proper items he is unstoppable. Coo he runs fast sometimes it cool. Carded Sharpe, Dwarves Sniper Just try it with an item build of gangs and hash, butterfly, burial-do-Kenyon, monkey inning bar, heart of treasure and power threads. Carded is the best in long range appearance.I know that he is weak, but he can also finish the Job. That's why I chose him than drown ranger and I want you all to use carded because he as great skills (especially by his last skill) and I now he is slow at speed. Fragile yet very strong and precise as the name suggests. He's easy to play as but hard to master. Only a true DATA player can use him at his fullest potential. My advice is to HIT fast and HIT hard. Be Polite. Be Efficient. Be Professional. Never Kill Steal. Assassinate/ Data Heroes for STRENGTHEarthquakes Seven Tiny Skunks Bushmaster Clockwork McKnight Hussar Alchemist Brewster Treat Protector Wisp Centaur Warner Timbers Tusk Axe Budge Sand King Slander Thundered Skeleton King Lifestyles Night Stalker Doom Spirit Breaker Electrotype Chaos Knight Undying Magnums Data Heroes for Agility Anti-Mage Drown Ranger Juggernaut Marina Morphing Phantom Lancer Vengeful Spirit Rick Sniper Template Assassin Ulna Bounty Hunter Auras Gyroscopes Lone Druid Nag Sire Troll warlord Bloodsucker Shadow Fiend Razor Vengeance Faceless Void Phantom Assassin Viper Clinks Bloodmobile Weaver Specter MopeONYX Assassin Clark Medusa Data Heroes for Intelligence Crystal Maiden Puck Storm Spirit Windsurfer Zeus Liana Shadow Shaman Tinker Nature's Prophet Enchantress Jakarta Chem. Silencer Ogre Magi Rubric Disruptor Keeper of the Light Bane Lice Lion Witch Doctor Enigma Necrology Warlock Queen of Pain Death Prophet Pug Dazzle Lasher Dark Seer Batterer Ancient Apparition Invoker Outward Devourer Shadow Demon Visage Advantages and Disadvantages of Data The life style of the youth who have been playing Data is af fected by the game. There are both advantages and disadvantages for them. Let's talk about the advantages iris.As one of the most playable games online, Data can make the players become alert in the mental. They will also turn to be strategic and cooperative. Through computing the magic, damages, gold, physical reduction present and the other stuff, they will get more lore in mathematics. Thus, the youth can get benefits from playing Data. However, not only does the game has advantages, it can also generate the bad effects. It is said that the body system will be weakened. The way the young people think along with their mind will be corrupted. They will not take the money and moral values seriously in life.Heroes in the game often use powerful units. They also have allied heroes and AAA-controlled fighters called â€Å"creeps† who can offer the assistance. Over the mission, gamers are required to purchase the equipment with gold. They have to level up their hero. It may lead them to irresponsibility if they cannot control themselves to deal with time management and priority. They will become lazier and forget the studies. Owing to the game, they may also break the relationships with the family members. What's worse, they will lose their temper and values by the foul languages alike â€Å"Trash talks†.The triggers always exist potentially. More money will be wasted if they cannot stop playing the game. Although the game is funny, you cannot be too addicted. Self-control is extremely important in the modern times. DATA Advantages 1 . Data helps the youth who are playing this game to become mentally alert, cooperative, and strategic. 2. It increases their knowledge in mathematics by computing the gold's, damages, magic and physical reduction present in the game. 3. Playing DATA are for the youth to communicate teenagers who initially don't know each other can easily be friends.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How Is Evil Portrayed In Macbeth

In this essay I shall be looking at the way evil is portrayed in Shakespeares play, Macbeth. I will be concentrating on the characters in the play that contribute to the evil themes of the play. It is clear from the start of the play that the witches are the main source of evil. The witches have an enormous effect on the play, not only are they evil, but this is emphasised by the strong feelings against witches and witchcraft in Elizabethan times. Convicted witches were regularly tortured and even executed. Most people believed in witches and there was little opposition against this persecution. This was not helped by the fact hat the king, James 1 was also interested in this superstition, often, he interrogated the accused himself. It is clear from the start of the play that the witches play a key role. The first scene is the witches planning to meet Macbeth. The setting of this scene is very important; they meet on a moor in thunder and lightning. These surroundings portray an evil image; the moor is a very lonely, barren and bleak place, while thunder and lightning associate with evil. So even at the beginning of the play one of the themes is known. The witches language includes rhyming couplets that contradict each other and are very powerful. Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air This quote tells us about the witches hatred for all things good, and their love for things that are evil. Shakespeare adds rhyme and rhythm to the witches language to emphasise their evilness. The second part of this quote adds to their image of being witches and would have created tension among Elizabethan audiences. The image of old women with cats and the ability to fly would have shocked an audience. The first meeting between Macbeth and the witches is significant as they make two predictions to Macbeth, Hail to thee hane of Cawdor and perhaps more significantly, That shalt be king hereafter. These proclamations astound Macbeth due to their sudden nature. The witches lure Macbeth into a false sense of security. The witches manipulate Macbeth and when he tells Lady Macbeth of the predictions, an evil plan is conceived. Ive done the deed. This deed is the worst possible crime, kingship; Macbeth has murdered king Duncan in cold blood. Macbeth, the brave warrior at the beginning of the play has been driven by his ambition to be king. However, the source of this evil deed may not have come from Macbeth himself. Look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent undert. Lady Macbeth plants the seed of murdering king Duncan in Macbeths mind. The language Shakespeare uses here is significant, the flower is associated with beauty and goodness while the snake is associated with evil. The association with a snake would have been especially strong because in the bible the serpent is seen as an evil being. These comparisons to bible characters would also have shocked Elizabethan audiences, as they believed in heaven and hell. Perhaps the most famous scene in Macbeth concerns the witches and especially their language. Liver of blaspheming Jew, Finger of birth-strangled babe. These disgusting images are the ingredients of the witches spell. The language used shows the exploitation of innocence and vulnerability by the witches and this links in with the theme of the desire to bring all good things to evil. The imagery conjured up in the casts is one of pure evil. In the same scene the witches manipulate Macbeth by using three apparitions. The second of these apparitions lulls Macbeth into a false sense of security. Then live, Macduff: what need I fear of thee. The apparition, which is a bloody child, tells Macbeth of his fortune, For none of woman born shall harm Macbeth. Shakespeare uses Dramatic Irony as these words confuse Macbeth. It is apparent from these words that Macbeth would feel invincible and that no man could harm him. However, Macbeth fails to see the contradiction between this and the first apparition. This is because Macbeth is unaware of Macduffs birth; he was born after his mother had died. It is only at the end of the play that Macbeth finally discovers his fate. After being told that Macduff had been, Untimely ripped from his mothers womb, describes the witches as Juggling Fiends. Macbeth is accusing the witches of deliberately juggling their words so that he could not understand them. This is a brilliant quote as Macbeth has just realised his life is in ruins, but the audience knew this earlier. The witches have changed Macbeth from a brave warrior to an evil, murderous, traitor. By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes. This quote is significant as it illustrates the change in Macbeth throughout the play, now even the witches consider Macbeth to be evil. However, when looking at the path of destruction that Macbeth has left ehind him it isnt very surprising. Just one man driven by his ambition to be king has led to a chain reaction of murders Stars, hide your fires! Let not light see my black and desires! From this quote we can see Macbeths true feelings towards king Duncan. It tells us that no one will see the murder due to the darkness and lack of light. His dark intentions have imagery due the blackness of the night and evil desires and intentions of Macbeth. The murder of his once best friend, Banquo leads to Lady Macbeth going mad. The brains behind the relationship who conceived the plan of murdering ing Duncan which started the chaos of the whole play eventually commits suicide as she couldnt handle the guilt. Heres the smell of the blood still: all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. This is a significant quote as although Lady Macbeth did not kill king Duncan it was her idea, and it could be argued that Macbeth wouldnt have murdered king Duncan without the influence of Lady Macbeth. The fear of the Scottish people is shown in a conversation between Donalbain and Malcolm. Theres daggers in mens smiles. This metaphor describes how Donalbain feels he can rust nobody and that everyone is putting on disguises; underneath the smiling faces is hatred and evil. The imagery conjures up pictures of the innocent and pleasant man on the outside but on the inside he is a traitor and a murderer. The quote portrays the scenes of anarchy and chaos in Scotland. In conclusion I think it is clear the witches mostly portray evil in Macbeth. Not only are the witches evil themselves but their evilness spreads to other characters throughout the play. I think there is little doubt that without the influence of the witches, Macbeth wouldnt have murdered king Duncan.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analog electronic Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analog electronic - Lab Report Example A D.C. voltage of +15 and -15 volts is required to bias the circuit where the application of input voltage is done and the output measured on the DSO. The experiments done were linear operations of the op-amp, where the output is a linear proportion of the voltage difference at the input, up to the saturation point. These were inverting operation, non-inverting operation, differentiation and integration. Before the development of digital electronics technology, computers employed voltages and currents representing numerical quantities to perform calculations electronically. A varying voltage can represent a physical system’s force or velocity. Success of the inverting and non-inverting experiments would determine whether these amplifier configurations could be used to simulate the physical processes by electronically performing mathematical operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in electronics such as calculators and computers. Reactive properties of capacitors were studied in the integration and differentiation experiments to determine whether they can be used to simulate variables that are related by calculus functions. Flow of current through a capacitor is a function of the rate of change of voltage and such a function is designated as differentiation in calculus. This is important in analog computing where for example in simulating a mechanical system, the voltage across the capacitor would stand for an objects’ velocity, the capacitor’s current representing the force to accelerate or decelerate the object and the capacitance of the capacitor being the mass of the object (The "operational" amplifier. 2015). The experiments are also important for the op-amp applications in signal processing, instrumentation and solid-state analog control systems. The capacitor in the forward path and feedback path enables real time differentiation and integration of signals respectively in these systems. Successful

Sunday, July 28, 2019

System analysis and design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

System analysis and design - Essay Example Universities have been offering the courses to meet the increasing demand for professionals in data analysis. North Carolina State University that has been offering a similar course since it launched of the advanced degree program in analytics in 2007. In addition, the school is also expanding to meet the demand. Other universities too plan on launching the degree course. An example is the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas that plans on launching a master of science in business analytics program in the fall. There is also a growing interest in acquiring knowledge required in handling data as shown by the large number of people seeking enrolment in such programs. As the analysis above indicates, higher learning institutions have found it necessary to provide advanced degree courses in analytics to fill in the gap in society. There is a growing need to educate the society about the emerging trends in system analysis. In a rapidly changing information technology sector, a systems analyst must strive for professional improvement (Shelly and Rosenblatt 30). There is ongoing effort by universities and colleges to provide advanced courses in design to ensure that they fill up the gap that has been brought up by the demand for employees with skills and advanced training in analytics. Statistics, from North Carolina State University, indicate there are readily available and well-paying jobs available for those who graduate with big-data

Corrections future Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Corrections future - Essay Example Offenders that are dangerous to the society on the other hand are held in institutional correction systems. The size of prison and jail populations has massively increased leading to a number of issues in the prison environment and to prison administrators. Alternate correctional systems for example community correction systems have been established to solve the problems that mainly come with institutional correction systems. Keywords: Institutional Correction systems, Community Correction Systems, Alternate Correctional Systems, Governments, Prisoners, Prisons, Prison Administrators, Foreign Prisoners, Crimes, Correctional Facilities, Correctional Officers, Overcrowding, Violence, Living Conditions Institutional based corrections refer to individuals held in guarded correctional facilities. Correctional facilities vary in types and the entities that operate them are very different. Municipal or county authorities operate local jails where offenders are held for short periods ranging from a day to year. The federal bureau of prisons and state governments operate prisons where offenders are held for long periods. ... Supervision under community corrections falls under parole or probation (Bureau of Justice Statistics [BJS], 2012). Correctional institutions and the correctional process has the mandate to provide sufficient punishment to people convicted for violating the law, therefore protecting the public, and consequently reducing fear of crime. Over the years, the goals of correctional systems have taken different meanings and emphasis. Siegel and Bartollas assert that â€Å"the tactics used to achieve correctional goals have shifted from one generation to the next† (2010, p.7). Today, corrections are an important part of the criminal justice system. Community correction programs are established to ensure that offenders are in effect held accountable for the crimes they commit, and in the mean time, ensure that they also meet accepted living standards in the community. Majority of offenders do not present any possible danger to themselves and others, and hence can stay in the community to cultivate relationships. Punishing offenders while they still stay in the community holds a number of benefits. According to Alarid and Del Carmen â€Å"with legitimate employment, offenders can support themselves and their family of origin, and they will pay taxes† (2012, p.1). Additionally, unlike offenders bound in prison, offenders living in the community have higher chances of paying up their victims or the community through restitution or community service respectively. Offenders in community corrections programs are not exposed to the subculture of violence present in many prisons and jails. In recent years, the place of the prison in the American society has changed. Siegel and Bartollas (2010) state that, â€Å"a prison has become a quick way to fix

Saturday, July 27, 2019

G&D's own Ice cream cafe in Oxford Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

G&D's own Ice cream cafe in Oxford - Essay Example Both these new outlets have also been able to gather the kind of popularity as the popular outlet.    It all started with an idea from George Stroup, who was himself a student of the Oxford University. The motivation to set up such a shop came from his own observations that in 1990 there were no quality ice cream parlors in and around Oxford, where people can get value for money products. Thus he sensed a business opportunity in providing quality ice creams at reasonable prices. He also believed that people should enjoy their food in a congenial atmosphere along with decent service provided by the staff. It was decided that in order to provide quality products to the customers, the ice cream should be manufactured indigenously. To transform the idea into actual work, supplies were arranged from the local suppliers and machines were ordered to suit the specific needs.   G&D has set up in house production facilities for all its products. This helps in maintaining the quality and taste of merchandise and to live up to the customer’s expectations. After significant increase in the business, G&D’s has shifted the production unit of baked goods to the George and Denver shop in 2002, while the ice cream production facility remained at the original George and Davis on the Little Clarendon street. Company’s focus was always on delivering quality and tasteful flavors to the customers. Hence the production unit keeps on experimenting with the ice cream recipes to churn out new and innovative flavors. Use of any kind of artificial flavors and preservatives are strictly avoided and stress is put on using only the best quality natural ingredients (like the jersey cream) available in the market. Added to this is the â€Å"slow turn, quick freeze† technique (G & D’s, n.d.), unique to G&D’s, which results in richer product s of superior quality. Hence, it is not without reason that just after two months of setting up the operations,

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Negro in the American Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Negro in the American Revolution - Essay Example In the northern states slavery was completely abolished by 1840. Very often we witness the change in treatment of historical events by official history, presented in the school and university textbooks. This is quite natural and understandable as histories are written by people, who are inevitably influenced by their background, political or cultural preferences. But witnessing such changes with so different approaches and learning the events we just can't but seek witnesses' memories to be able to make conclusions ourselves. For some time the position of Black people in the Revolutionary War was explained as their wish to help, however it was not so. The Negro's role in the Revolution can best be understood by realizing that his major allegiance was not to place nor to his people, but to a principle. Whoever invoked the image of liberty, be he American or British, could count on a ready response from the Blacks Published in 1961, "The Negro in the American Revolution" remains the most inclusive chronicle of the many roles performed by African Americans during the American Revolution. For the first time Quarles addresses the diplomatic reverberations which were the result of the British evacuation of African Americans shortly before the war. Benjamin Quarles's initial concern in his book is to attract more attention to the Negro as an overlooked participator during the revolution period. Quarles supposed that the American Negroes saw and understand the independence movement through their own longing for liberty, and were induced to action not by allegiance to a definite banner or place, but rather by a newly aroused expectation of personal independence and private "unalienable rights". Quarles says that it was reasonable, that a Negro became closer to the side that gave the best promise of liberty, even when it was made by the British, exactly the nation that the white colonists were revolt ing against under wail of enslavement. With the help of comprehensive research and many specific examples to portray the feelings and emotions of Negroes as a whole, Quarles proves this thesis with success. The Negro's significant role in the Revolutionary War originates from the inevitable fact that both sides needed black manpower. And both sides proposed the Negro his liberty as a reward. The author of this valuable book does not pay much attention to the outstanding sense of the Revolutionary period reality and shows us the state of America's society. In the Revolutionary war the American Black People were participators and symbols. They took active part in the battle actions and were active behind the lines; in their hopes and in the gains they inscribed within the war period, they embodied the aim of that liberty in the name of which the fight was waged. According to the author, "the Negro's role in the Revolution can best be understood by realizing that his major loyalty was not to a place nor to a people, but to a principle. Insofar as he had freedom of choice, he was likely to join the side that made him the quickest and best offer in terms of those "unalienable rights" of which Mr. Jefferson had spoken. Whoever invoked the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

MAKE A SCHOOL POLICY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

MAKE A SCHOOL POLICY - Essay Example The school management carefully selected the uniform to contribute to the health and safety of students when involved in the school activities. 1.4 Among the standards based on by the management when making this decision included making sure that it meets the school’s expectations and standards of the entire school community. 1.5 The decision is consistent with both the work and health safety requirements by the government ministry. This includes anti-discrimination and equality opportunity legislation acts. Other government stipulated requirements are safety safe footwear and eye protection as well as hats. 1.6 The policy takes into account the diverse nature of the school’s student population bearing in mind the fact they come from various cultural setups. Other factors considered are personal, economic, social, and cultural factors influencing students and their families. It is important to remember that the school population carries students from different religious backgrounds and this was important when the school board reached the decision to implement the new school uniform policy unanimously. ... 2.2 The school reminds other stakeholders that each of them have roles in setting and implementing desired standards for the school in line with the institution’s vision and mission. Teachers and the subordinate staffs have a responsibility of modelling appropriate behaviour for students therefore; the management requires them to dress professionally. 2.3 Parents and students are required to desist from taking advantage of the government policy that stops the school management neither from expelling nor suspending students nor in uniform wrongly. This is because the school will take other punitive measures available both in the school rules and in government legislation to deal with both students and parents who fail or deliberately refuse to comply with the new school uniform policy. The school will take appropriate action against those who deliberately decide to do otherwise. 2.4 The school management also reiterates that it will not stop enrolling any student for lack of sc hool the required dress code. 2.5 The school policy puts into consideration that not all parents and guardians have equal or similar financial abilities. Therefore, the quality of the uniform is cost effective and economically affordable to all parents within the school. Furthermore, the school gives a window period of one term for parents, guardians and other sponsors to acquire the proper dress code for their children or beneficiaries. Arguments in support of the policy Introduction A school is primarily a learning environment. This means that anything that aids learning is acceptable and not anything that hinders is acceptable. Most of schools are advocating for school uniforms among their students. Education is a pillar of American society as well as the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

What are the links between class and alienation according to Marx Essay

What are the links between class and alienation according to Marx - Essay Example the civilised epoch, namely, the idea that some time in the past people lived in harmony, and then there was some kind of rupture which left people feeling like foreigners in the world, but some time in the future this alienation would be overcome and humanity would again live in harmony with itself and Nature. Marx, a social philosopher developed his understanding of alienation in criticizing the work of Hegel where he found the existence of the experience in modern bourgeois society (Encyclopaedia of Marxism, 2004) (Paraphrasing Made). Encyclopaedia of Marxism (2004), said that Marx’s work, written in 1844, shows how alienation arises from private labour and from commodity production citing excerpt from Marx (1844) saying: â€Å"Let us review the various factors as seen in our supposition: My work would be a free manifestation of life, hence an enjoyment of life. Presupposing private property, my work is an alienation of life, for I work in order to live, in order to obtain for myself the means of life. My work is not my life.† Encyclopaedia of Marxism (2004) explained that Marx went on to show that the specific form of labour characteristic of bourgeois society, wage labour, corresponds to the most profound form of alienation. It argued that since wage workers sell their labour power to earn a living, and the capitalist owns the labour process, the product of the workers’ labour is in a very real sense alien to the worker. Moreover, it said that it is not her product but the product of the capitalist and that the worker makes a rod for her own back. (Paraphrasing Made). Encyclopaedia of Marxism (2004) said that once a product enters the market, no-one has any control of it, and it sets off on a course which appears to be governed by supra-human laws. It quoted Marx (2005), Capital Volume One saying: â€Å"... with commodities. ... It is a definite social relation between men that assumes, in their eyes, the fantastic form of a relation between things. In

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Apple Store Building for the Photoshop Project Essay

Apple Store Building for the Photoshop Project - Essay Example For my Photoshop project, I decided to explain or even define what Apple is today. I think that for the past couple of years, they have significantly evolved into something much more interesting than their circumstance a decade ago when Apple is merely all about the "mac". For this purpose, I used three photographs: a photo of the Apple Store in New York; a photo of Steve Jobs; and, a photo of myself. I have edited these three materials in order to be integrated into one seamless poster of an important artifact of the twenty-first century.As previously mentioned, Apple has undergone a significant transformation, significantly changing its focus since the 1990s. For years, the organization has been steadfast and determined to uphold its core value as represented in the "mac" computer, including its own operating system. In this period, Apple has built a cult following, who were rapidly consuming each release of the "mac" hardware and the OSX platform. In the past years, however, Apple has diversified into several other products, particularly in mobile devices. Because of this, it has achieved a significant amount of mainstream success. It has perfected a unique formula for its products, which is composed of a tightly controlled ecosystem and extremely beautiful and user-friendly interfaces for its devices. I would like to capture this essence, first and foremost. In order to do this, I selected the Apple Store in New York. This particular image impressed me because it has several elements, which I think is representative of this aspect of the Apple brand. If one looks at the image, the Apple Store, resplendent in glass and steel is surrounded by buildings, dimmed by the night setting. Two of these building were prominently shown flanking the Apple glass box. On the left is a classically designed building, while on the right, stood a modernist concrete structure. For me, the tableaux can tell us two things if one follows the photographic principles especially tha t about semiotic codes. First is that Apple is not afraid to be different as demonstrated in the way the store was uniquely designed. It celebrated its uniqueness that is why it leads to innovation. Secondly, Apple is becoming more open to the idea of mass culture and it is starting to go mainstream. But, this is being done, on its own terms.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Soil Conversations Essay Example for Free

Soil Conversations Essay The aim of soil conservation is the prevention of soil erosion so that the fertile topsoil is retained. There are a lot of methods that can be used to conserve the soil. These are: *Mechanical methods: The main strategy used in mountainous areas is terracing. Terraces built across slopes hold the soil on flatter land. These are mainly needed in tropical lands were rain falls in heavy storms, capable of removing large amounts of soil on slopes. On a smaller scale are embankments placed across the bottom of steep slopes to hold back soil and water. Farmers can help by using contour ploughing (around the slope instead of up and down). Ridges formed by ploughing block the downward movement of water on slopes. Planting trees in lines, either as windbreaks for the farm or as shelter belts between the fields, checks wind speed and protects from erosion. *Changes in farming practices: Erosion rates are lower when the soil is covered, one strategy can be the use of mixed cropping or internal cropping. For example, a field crop like maize can be planted between a bush or tree of coffee. Instead of leaving the soil open to wind, the bushes will afford protection. Crop rotation can also help in the same way if crops of different sizes and periods of growths are planted in neighbouring fields. The main advantage of crop rotation is the maintenance of soil fertility. This is because not all crops use the same nutrients: what one takes out from the soil, another will give back. Maintaining soil fertility is very important; adding organic matter to the soil is the best way to hold water and promote a stable soil structure. The main farm sources are animal manure, crop stubble, and straw. Mixed farming cannot be practiced everywhere, in the Great Plains in the western USA dry farming is used. Because of the low water availability, dry farming involves spacing plants more widely than in wetter areas and leaving the land empty of crops (fallow) every other year. In the dry years of the 1930s the top soil blew away in great clouds. Farmers were obliged to change their techniques during fallow years. Now field surfaces are left rough, and the soil is covered with a layer of waste and straw to protect it from the action of both sun and wind. *Community solutions: Some strategies are funded by governments, for example tree planting on slopes in and next to farming areas, in order to replace trees already cleared. Planting schemes without the community support are not always successful; the participation of the community increases the chances of success. For example in Nepal local people are allowed to harvest grass that is taken to the village to fed animals, animal dung is used to fertilize the land. When government instructs and supports this kind of projects, schemes like this can form part of an integrated rural development program. Soil conservation is integrated with agricultural change to increase food output and improve rural standards of living. A major issue in many rural communities in developing countries is land ownership. A majority of farmer don’t own their lands but pay rent to landlords, making the introduction of new conservation strategies impossible. What is need is a land reform that change this, but liitle progress has been made because powerful landowners have too much too lose.

Leadership Assessment Essay Example for Free

Leadership Assessment Essay Leadership can be best defined as beauty. One may say that is in the eye of the beholder. The best managers consistently allow different leaders to emerge and inspire their teammates. My prior organization, Comcast Corporation, a telecommunications provider, mission statement is to deliver a superior experience to their customers every day. Jason Biske, whom is Director of Sales and Operation, created an environment where Comcast is focused solely on customers by building relationships. When we would see him, he would always speak and ask how your day or sales was going. Jason was really big on keeping the sales floor informed of new promos or contests that were going on by sending constant email communications, ongoing training sessions, or holding focus groups on various processes of improvement in the sales process. When it came to leadership styles, Jason Biske demonstrated several. He embraced democratic, coaching, pacesetting, and authoritative. He initiated structure and created an environment that made you feel a part of something. Along with that he showed consideration. We felt like our opinions mattered and there was a concern for the employees. Leaders provide a sense of direction for the employees of the organization. Without this sense of direction (both strategic and ethical), the organization and its employees could easily lose their direction.In order for any leader to be successful all styles need to be incorporated. Leaders, therefore, are given the responsibility of creating and shaping culture. The organizational structure that has been created has positioned the company in the smartest way possible. † As the world changes, the culture of organizations must sometimes be re-shaped to better fit the environment and the overall strategy of the organization (Buhler)†.Comcast strongly believes in teamwork, integrity, creativity and commitment within the organization. Managers must be convinced of the benefits as well as higher performance for their teams if they are to become enthusiastic leaders of change. â€Å"Above all, senior executives should encourage managers to think big: the new world of work opens up new possibilities for how companies define their boundaries and organize work (Lund, 2012)†.Having such a strong team of leadership gives employees as well as potential talent something to look forward to in regards to a career. The positive thing about having a clear organizational structure is simply it allows you to see the formal relationship that exits between the departments. Jason Biske‘s job as director was to improve the sales process and increase revenue in the sales department. As a result he increased revenue by 24 percent. He also rolled out a process called Sales Pro which would make the sales process simpler by focusing on relationships. Even though his styles motivated employees, he used communication through m ass emails mostly. On a daily basis, you would receive several reports on how the company is profiting. At my career level no one understood how we were contributing to these successes. Jason would get you excited to make money but somewhere in there the leadership failed.† According to Moorhead and Griffin (1998) employee motivation and ability jointly contribute towards employee performance and the most challenging task of the managers is to motivate employee to execute the utmost of their ability†. (Iqbal)†. When you have middle managers that are not as excited about their jobs, it is hard to keep the customer service reps motivated to sale the product or meet numbers when the objectives are not clear. In an organization, an individual has to be seen as a contributor. Most importantly, you have to keep your employees motivated. Most people never make it to the top because they are successful at being a doer instead of being a leader. â€Å"Leadership is more about inspiration, about guidance, about communication and building trust among the team. Management is probably the day-to-day running of an organization. It is about developing and organizing aspects of your businesses and running those businesses (Toor, 2011)†. Some best pra ctices that organizational leaders can follow are 1. Accept feedback from the people that work with you. No one knows best other than the people that deal with the customers every day. Some of the most successful companies are profitable because the organizational leader listened to what the employees shared. There is value in shared values. Secondly, try a crazy idea every now and then. Employees like creativity and a challenge to keep them on their toes. Lastly, show courage. Effective leaders sometimes have to issue orders whether or not it means they are popular or not. If you are leading effectively then your team will support you. Leaders are made, not born. â€Å"I consider leadership as something long term with a clear vision of what to achieve. Management, however, is more about function; it’s short-term and involves setting a target and achieving it. Diversity is not only important to the work environment and the business but it can also have some legal ramifications if not followed properly.† Workplace Diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization. The roots of diversity does not begin to range from race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality, educational background etc., rather it begins from perception of the employees towards each other (Andrew Patrick, 2011)†. Ccompanies that embrace employees from different cultural backgrounds, experiences and even countries are better positioned to succeed in this century. Hiring a diverse workforce helps a company stay in compliance with employment laws and build workplaces that are more inclusive. It also assists employees in reaching their fullest potential. When hiring and managing employees from different cultures and backgrounds it can be challenging, but it can also be very rewarding. â€Å"Diversity is not a photo opportunity. Anybody can recruit anybody. Keeping people is the challenge (Sreedhar, 2011)†. Most corporations have diversity council which allows you to manage diversity globally therefore allowing others to learn from different perspectives and cultures. From a business perspective, companies have become more innovative requiring expansion into global territories. It requires them to move people as well as products around. With that being said, a company must be able to understand international customers, their commerce and their competition better than before. Works Cited Andrew Patrick, H. (2011). Knowledge Workers Demography and Workplace Diversity. Journal Of Marketing Management, pp. 2(2), 38-73. Buhler, P. M. (n.d.). The evolving leader of today. Supervision. pp. 59(12), 16. . Iqbal, J. Y. (n.d.). EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION IN MODERN ORGANIZATION: A REVIEW OF 12 YEARS. Interdisciplinary Journal Of Contemporary Research In Business,. pp. 4(3), 692-708. Lund, S. M. (2012). Preparing for a new era of knowledge work. pp. Mckinsey Quarterly, (4), 103-110. Sreedhar, U. (2011). Workforce Diversity and HR Challenges. Advances In Management. pp. 4(10), 33-36. Toor, S. (2011). Differentiating Leadership from Management. An Empirical Investigation of Leaders and Managers. Leadership Management In Engineering, pp. 11(4), 310. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)LM.1943-5630.0000138.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Complexity Measures in Design and Development

Complexity Measures in Design and Development Albert Einstein once said â€Å"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler†. These simple words coming out of a genius’s mind carry a lot of meaning and depth in them. The last two decades saw an exponential rise in different branches of engineering and sciences; and with these developments came in a crowd of very advanced yet very complicated technologies. Are these complexities intended? The answer is very simple NO; the very word advanced is almost always inherited by complexity. No one would want to design and manufacture something very complex, but the more advanced a technology is, the more complex it gets. Even the works done by the man who said those words are far too complex for a common man; and actually that is exactly what he meant. Everyone tries to make things as simple as possible, but no simpler than that, they just can’t and the simplest product design possible can become very complex in some regards. With increasing complexity, there is always a danger of system being destabilized, reduction in overall performance, higher cost, higher maintenance, etc. The way to keep control over complexity is to have measure of it, so that management and manufactures know what exactly to-do and how to change their operational strategy. In this dissertation I am presenting a detailed overview of complexity, it’s different meanings and interpretations in various industries and a host of measures that were developed to measure and evaluate complexity. There are also a few methods of minimizing complexity presented along with case studies illustrating the means in which these measures were applied to real-time manufacturing and designing processes. Complexity: â€Å"What is complexity?† could be one of the most complex questions tube answered. The very definition of complexity from dictionary would suggest the following: Æ’ËÅ" Consisting of interconnected or interwoven parts Æ’ËÅ" Composed of two or more units Æ’ËÅ" Offers great difficulty in understanding, solving, or explaining Æ’ËÅ" The interlacing of parts so as to make it nearly impossible to follow or grasp them separately Æ’ËÅ" Extreme complication and often disorder; complication and entanglement that make solution or understanding improbable The first two meanings are not too related to our present context so I will ignore them, but the rest suggest the exact meaning of what complexity is. As we can see, if I do not understand something properly or am not capable enough to understand it, ‘that’ thing is complex tome. Does this mean it is really complex? The answer again is very simple, NO and that is the very reason why complexity is so hard to define. Complexity of anything is dependent on many factors and one very important factor is human understanding. A subject complex to me could be a piece of cake for someone else and this very behaviour of complexity makes it very hard to measure and evaluate it. An important and interesting question that may arise in reader’s minds, â€Å"Does the very same meaning of complexity stand in industry standards too?† The answer could be both a YES and a NO. It does stand the same thing in some cases, but in rest, the definition of complexity is completely modified. A best example would be industries involved in computer sciences and engineering. There complexity of a code does not really mean it is hard to understand, it rather means that it takes a lot of time for computer to calculate and give the results. In most of the mechanical and electronic designs, complexity would mean systems with multiple interacting parts, the behaviour of which cannot be related with respect to individual parts. That is their collectivebehavior is completely different and /or unpredictable from their individual behaviour. Again this unpredictability can be related to just the static structure of these components or dynamic nature, thus the differentiation between static complexity and dynamic complexity. Now Avery good question to answer is â€Å"What exactly are these static and dynamic complexities?† Static Complexity: Given a particular system (could be any system like manufacturing plant with different manual and automated equipment or just a small network with multiple servers/ clients ), there is always some complexity involved with the static structure of these components, could be just their physical shapes/ sizes or their alignment with other objects or with environment. This complexity which is made up as a function of various parameters like physical shapes, structures, connectivity, variety and strengths of components is called static complexity. Dynamic complexity: Dynamic complexity is more related towards the behaviour of these components as a unit. As mentioned earlier, the pattern of behaviour for a group of components is almost always different than the pattern for individual components; this behaviour measured over a period of time is a major parameter in dynamic complexity. A very important form of complexity that is normally taken as constant or zero while evaluating static or dynamic complexities is complexity arising because of control; that is, given a particular system, there could be many ways in which it can controlled and each one of these methods can result in a different static / dynamic complexity measure, thus to really evaluate a system, we should also consider this parameter and measure a control complexity too. But for most practical purposes, it is assumed that there is only one way to control, thus ignoring control complexity. Measuring and evaluating dynamic complexity is highly dependent on the industry and its specific design, thus forming generic measures for dynamic complexity is not only complicated but also inapplicable invest majority of other designs. Thus research is more focused towards static complexity and its measures. Though there are papers which concentrate only on dynamic complexity, they are very much oriented towards a specific industry and its related fields. Does this mean that static complexity is similar for all industries and designs? No, but a particular measure calculated for static complexity could be easily expanded to other designs too, which is not the same for dynamic complexity. In this paper, I will give measurements of both static and dynamic complexities with respect to manufacturing environment. Before we go any further into measurement of complexity, it is a good idea to understand why and how complexity arises in systems? There is general belief that complexity arises due to many random factors. It could be true in some sense, but that only indicates a very bad design. For systems which are well designed, manufactured and maintained, randomness is not a major factor; it is rather the fact that the system cannot be easily described which causes more complexity. According to Axelrod and Cohen describe systems as comprising of agents and artifacts. The artefacts are just physical (or virtual) objects that comprise the system where as the agents who have attributes like location, memory, ability to interact with other agents, ability to manipulate and change functions, control these objects. The agents may not have to be people alone; they can be computer programs, groups, political entities etc. that may affect the system directly or indirectly. Another important and very interesting concept of complexity comes from Wolfram, in which he states that complexity in a system comes from randomness produced because of three sources. Æ’ËÅ" The first source is the environment and its intervention, either directly or indirectly, on the system. Æ’ËÅ" The second source is the initial conditions that the system was in, before being used. These initial conditions could be random thus adding more weight to the complexity. Æ’ËÅ" The third and most important one is the internal or intrinsic complexity of the system. That is the complexity of the system when there is no external influence or affect. With all these different views of complexity, we are now ready to go ahead and describe what complexity in design is? But before that, let us see what exactly design means. Design and Why is it done? In this section, let us see what exactly design means and as in every case, let us start with the exact dictionary definition of design. Æ’ËÅ" To conceive or fashion in the mind; invent Æ’ËÅ" To formulate a plan for; devise Æ’ËÅ" To plan out in systematic, usually graphic form Æ’ËÅ" To create or contrive for a particular purpose or effect Æ’ËÅ" To have as a goal or purpose; intend Æ’ËÅ" To create or execute in an artistic or highly skilled manner These, may be with little twists here and there, are the exact definitions of ‘Design’ that you see in dictionaries and they almost suggest what precisely designing means in industry standards. Basically designing involves â€Å"making things better and more useful to customers (or people)†. Almost every single thing that we use is (/was)designed at some point of time; things that we take for granted were once designed and engineered. Design is an integral part of us and our society and is united in almost everything and anything we do and we use. Designing anything starts with an idea, any idea good or bad. The main job of designers is to reform this idea so that it is understandable for the people who need to work on it and manufacture it, sort of able print. Whether it is a multibillion dollar dam or a small fashion hair pin, the process of creating them is all the same and involves almost the same basic general steps. Before we discuss these steps, it’s important for us to understand why designing is done on the first place? Designing is a very important and basic step in any product. To deliver product, there are many steps involved. There are scientists who invent new technologies, engineers who use these technologies to develop various components, manufactures that use these components in manufacturing different products and finally marketers who take the prime role behind delivering the product. But who is going to coordinate their efforts to produce a desirable and successful product, no one else but the designers. They are the people who understand what the customer want and deliver a mechanism to make it happen. Designing is not just what we read in magazines which depict it as mostly involved with fashion industry. No that is not at all the case it involves a lot of insight into the way customer thinks and wants his product. As I mentioned earlier, everything that we use was designed at some point of time. There are some very important things that every design is supposed to follow, a brief list of which is as follows: Æ’ËÅ" User requirements: The very first and most important aspect designer has to consider is user. In this world where the number of competitors for a product is more than the product itself, there are very few designs which are being accepted into user community. The main reason behind their success being complete satisfaction of customers. The very first step of any design process is to know â€Å"what exactly customers want?† Æ’ËÅ" Creativity: Next comes creativity. When the designer knows what the customer wants, he has to create something new; he just can’t give the same old stuff which just satisfies the needs. If I am buying a camera, being a picky customer I wouldn’t buy any camera that can take a snap of me, NO, I want so many other things which may be I will not even dream of using, but still I want them in my camera. That is how customers think and that is what exactly designers provide. Innovation has to be there in a product without which t here is no value to it.Designers explore all the different combinations in which a product can be designed and seek new methods in doing so. The stranger it is the better. Now that there are so many simulation tools and other devices that provide so much insight into the product even before it is made, this work is simplified a lot. Æ’ËÅ" Business process: the other very important consideration a designer has to go through is the business process both from company perspective and user perspective. The overall price of the product may depend on the design and considering this is a very important thing. The best examples are the products from Microsoft, take for example PowerPoint, though costing only 50-100 dollars, it’s overall revenue may be grater than some very big software companies whose products cost millions of dollars. Why? The design was so done that there are millions of satisfied customers to PowerPoint or excel who can afford it easily than to products that co st millions of dollars. Æ’ËÅ" Manufacturing overview: it is also very important for a designer tube thoroughly aware of what exactly his company is capable of and at what capacity. I can design a magnificent product in a technology that my company is not even aware of, there is no use to it. A designer should be completely knowledgeable in the manufacturing processes and principles of his company so that whatever he does is not counter tithe existing mechanism, but only increase its productivity by using it in a better way. Now that we considered the basic aspects of design, let us now look at the design process. Being a designer is not such a simple job, you will have to consider so many discrete and varied things, a small list of which was provided above. There is a lot of trial and error involved. Till you get the right one, there could be thousand rejected designs. Though most of the design process is done by designers, there is a lot of contribution from most of the other departments involved in getting that product out like manufacturing people, engineers, business analysts, managers etc. The following are the basic but general steps I mentioned earlier that any designer follows: Æ’ËÅ" Understanding and evaluating Requirements: The very first step involved in design process is to understand and evaluate the user requirements. This involves defining the objectives, setting deadlines, targets and parameters. The design team is involved right from the beginning to the end as they have to understand the business process both from the company’s point of view and the customer’s point of view. The idea being creating an ideal project which will satisfy both the business processes and optimize them. A very important question to answer at this level is why are we creating / modifying this product? Once this question is properly answered, the rest of the process becomes simpler and logical. Æ’ËÅ" Research: Research is one of the most important aspects of the whole process. This is an ever going process, especially in the case of longer project. Research typically includes a variety of areas like Technology, Economy, User Satisfaction, Competitor products, trends, risks etc. Every one among them will affect the product and its design. A simple example would be the conversion from analogy to digital. May bee decade or two ago, there were some systems which were still concentrating on analogy devices. Now they are hardly seen. When such drastic change is happening (a decade would not be drastic for us, but for large scale manufacturing plants to change their whole technology from analogy to digital would cost millions of dollars even though it is spread over multiple years), it would be highly beneficial to a company to be well informed beforehand rather than changing at the spur of moment. Research is more concentrated on the customer / user than anything else. Whatever user wants has to be done and it would be much more preferable to know the user choices beforehand doing our own research, rather than getting a dissatisfied comment from him. Æ’ËÅ" Planning: planning is another significant part of the whole process. As I mentioned earlier, it is always good for the designers to know the internal business processes of the company beforehand rather than knowing them later on and trying to modify the design. Planning takes care of this step. With participation from wide variety of areas all across the board, it becomes simpler for the designer to know and understand different views and angles about a manufacturing process so that the overall design is acceptable and enjoyable by everyone. Æ’ËÅ" Communication: In a business process, there are always instances when the customer thinks of something, the designer understand something else and the manufacturing guys create something completely different. Why does this happen? Lack of communication. Whose mistake is this? Nobody’s. It is very important for a designer and his team to keep inconstant touch with both the customers and the manufacturing guys at the same time. Designers are the only bridge between customers and manufacturers and they should be completely aware of the business process from both the sides. It is client’s responsibility that he conveys the proper requirements to the designers so that they care-convey them to their manufacturing guys, a small leak here and there can result in disaster. But does the client do this always? NO. So it becomes an additional burden on the designer to keep in constant touch with the customer and keep him posted of what is going on with the product, so that if there is some discrepancy, then the message is obtained instantly, same is the case with manufacturing people. Æ’ËÅ" Implementation: the last step is implementation, mostly done by the manufacturing people but involves a little contribution from design team too. First of all, they may have to monitor the whole process and may be even test it thoroughly. Being the only people with complete knowledge of client’s business requirements, they are also responsible for quality. This is how a generic design process goes, let me stress the word generic again. Depending on industry, this process may change here and there, but the changes would be nominal. Now let us consider the different contexts of complexity in different industries and their detailed analysis, the major difference between the following topic and the one presented earlier being that the following one is description of complexity from design perspective. Different Contexts of complexity in different industries: I already mentioned while explaining the definition of complexity that its basic meaning may change from industry to industry. In this section let me highlight some key industries and illustrate the meaning of complexity with respect to that particular industry. In the very same process let us also try to combine the design process into the contexts that we can start concentrating more on complexity in design more than complexity in general. Let us start with the software industry where the definition of complexity is very fundamental but very useful. Complexity in Design for Software industries: What exactly does complexity in software design mean? IEEE standard 729gives the following definition for complexity in software, â€Å"The degree of complication of a system or system component, determined by such factors as the number and intricacy of interfaces, the number and intricacy of conditional branches, the degree of nesting, the types of data structures, and other system characteristics. Though very extensive, this definition still doesn’t cover all the aspects ofcompelxity in software. There are many things to be considered while stating complexity in software a few of which are the operating system, programming language , database, interface being used etc. and etc. Now popular question could be, â€Å"Does all this matter, a complexity has tube related to the way you design an algorithm more than the way you program it?†. Actually it does. There is a popular notion of measuring complexity in software industry where in they compare a particular language (for example) with another one and decide what is more complex. Though theoretically perfect, practically this is totally wrong. How can one compare an algorithm written in Java to the same algorithm written in C, their applications and usages are completely different. Similarly you cannot compare a program using Oracle as its database to a program using Microsoft Access. Now can we measure complexity taking all these into consideration? Not really. For measurement purposes again everything falls back to algorithm level. Whatever be the programming basis you are using, underneath it there is only a single algorithm being used. Thus in this context measurmentof complexity has to be done with a lot of risk. Later in the dissertation Aim going to suggest some popular methods of complexity measurements used in software industry. In general, complexity in software comprises mainly of the following components (apart from the algorithm): Æ’ËÅ" Component Reuse (so called Object Oriented Programming): This is Avery important component of complexity measurement these days. Given a particular algorithm, if you can reuse a piece of code again and again, thus avoiding redundancy, the complexity would decrease by a lot. Hence this factor is a very important component of software complexity. Æ’ËÅ" Control Flow: This takes into consideration the whole control structure of the program. Æ’ËÅ" Data Structures: The number of data structures being used and their size (in bits and bytes) Æ’ËÅ" Size: the overall length of the code (also including the commented lines and documentation as even they are considered in compilation process) From the above description, we can conclude that software complexity depends a lot on the algorithm being used, but many other factors contribute a lot too. Thus a good designer would first of all consider the algorithm and once the algorithm is decided, he / she would spend more time looking into various other considerations, trying to decrease the length of code, number of hits to the database, number of requests from the server etc. Complexity in Manufacturing: Let me clarify what I mean by Manufacturing before I go any further, it includes almost every single sector of consumer product industry starting from auto industry to small electronic components. Why am I including them of all into a single concept? Because the way they function is almost similar with the difference in size. Thus in this section, I will try to distinguish them whenever necessary, but otherwise they are all the same. Majority of these industries involve many moving parts and each one of these parts are again designed and manufactured, either in the same company of in a different one. Thus there is complexity involved in designing each one of them, and then comes the complexity of assembling them into one single system, normally carried out by various automated and / or manual methods. Consider for example an auto industry. With thousands of components going into the assembly line, the whole process becomes highly complex; similar is a case with electronic devices wherein minute parts has to placed and soldered on a PCB with utmost precision. Normally complexity of a manufacturing process is dependent on many parameters, a brief list of which is as follows: Æ’ËÅ" Similarity in processing requirements: the complexity of manufacturing process is highly dependent on the processing requirements and their similarity. Any process would be much simpler when it has similar methods being used across various modules. Thus with variance in processing requirements, the complexity increases. Complexity also increases due to changing consumer demand, which directly affects the whole setup. Æ’ËÅ" Yield: Manufacturing yield is another important factor that determines the complexity. There is always a constant effort to increase the yield but without proper planning and automation, this could result in huge complexities. Æ’ËÅ" Miniaturization: With the latest trend of miniaturization, all the components are being made as small as possible thus increasing their overall complexity. We can easily say that a laptop or as a matter of fact a palm top is much more complex than a desktop. A similar trend is being observed in many of the electronic sectors and thus enhancing the complexity of design. Æ’ËÅ" Energy Efficiency: More applicable in automobile than anywhere else, this parameter is affecting the complexity a lot. With modern vehicles(hybrid electrical and gasoline based engines), the energy efficiency is being increased a lot, but along with it, the complexity is also increasing at a similar rate. Why do we need Complexity Measures? Till now I discussed the basic definitions and detailed meanings of complexity and design. Now let me consider on measurement of complexity. The very first question to be answered in this regard is, Why do we need complexity Measures for? The answer for this question cannot be given in all technical fashion; we need some philosophy for this. As can be seen from the trends in the past two decades, the population is rising at a huge rate and along with it the technology is improving at an exponential rate. We are living in the period where Moore’s law is still being maintained and the devices that we use daily are being made more and more sophisticated and user friendly. But what if someone wants to understand the concepts behind any of these devices, though the modern communication is fast and very knowledgeable, it is vast too. Most of the information provided is random, not relevant, redundant and sometime inaccurate. This provides more confusion than clarity. As Simon says in his paper Creativity, Innovation, and Quality, â€Å"Today, complexity is a word that is much in fashion. We have learned very well that many of the systems that we are trying to deal with in our contemporary science and engineering are very complex indeed. They are so complex that it is not obvious that the powerful tricks and procedures that served us for four centuries or more in the development of modern science and engineering will enable us to understand and deal with them. We are learning that we need a science of complex systems, and we are beginning to construct it†, it is becoming more and more painful for common men to understand or evaluate systems becaus e of their complexity. This complexity is increasing day by day rather than taking a downward step. Not only in manufacturing processes but also in other industries like software, electronics, even social, political, religious, medical, biological hectare also vastly affected. The only way out of this confusion is to do proper designing so as to minimize the complexity involved, (note the work minimize. It is impossible to eliminate complexity). Are these the only reasons of measuring complexity? No way. None of the industrialists would ever invest in research for complexity measures for the above mentioned reasons. There is a huge economic advantage by doing proper complexity measurement and then taking proper steps to minimize it. I will mention a small list of these benefits here, and then explain them in detail as we go on to subsequent sections. List of advantages for measuring, evaluating and finally minimizing complexity from financial point of view: Æ’ËÅ" The operational strategy could be improved a lot. Æ’ËÅ" Processing speed and thus information transfer is much faster and smoother. Æ’ËÅ" System performance is better. Æ’ËÅ" Increased autonomy. Æ’ËÅ" More customer satisfaction and thus higher profit. Æ’ËÅ" Easier to maintain, modify or redesign. Statistics involved in Complexity measurement: Before we can go ahead and derive some formulae for complexity measures, it is a good idea to brush up some basic concepts of information theory and other related statistical engineering subjects. So this section is dedicated for a brief overview of some of these important concepts. Ensemble: An ensemble X is a random variable x with a set of possible outcomes, Vex = {v1,v2,, †¦ VI), having probabilities {p1,p2,†¦pi,..pie} with P(x=vi)=pi, pi >0 and Conditional Probability: Product rule: Sum rule: Bayes’ Theorem: Stationary Process: A random process where the various statistical qualities or properties do not vary with time is called a stationary random process. That is for a stationary process, the parameters like Mean, Variance, Standard Deviation etc. are constant across time.(Example White Noise) Erotic Process: Random process in which the time series produced are the same in statistical properties. That is a set of random processes are considered as time shifts of an original stationary process. Entropy: A very popular term in Information Theory, entropy means the lowest amount of bit rate needed for representing a particular symbol. The exact value of Entropy is . It is also called as uncertainty of x. With this definition of Entropy and following the probability rules defined earlier, joint and conditional entropies can be defined as follows: Joint Entropy: Conditional Entropy: This information should be sufficient for us to go ahead and derive our formulae; if anything is needed I will provide it at that instant. Different methods of Complexity Measures, their Evaluation and Analysis: As indicated above, different industries use the term ‘Complexity’ indifferent aspects, thus there are varied meanings and definitions of it. With so many differences involved in just defining complexity, we can imagine how difficult it would be to measure and find methods to reduce complexity for all these manufacturing units. Taking into consideration this vastness, normally research is done only in those fields where there is some sort of existing mathematical background, using which new complexity measures and evaluations can be done. Ones these are formed, then the same measures could be used for relating complexity of any related industry. A popular area where there is a lot of mathematical background existing is algorithmic complexity, mostly for software related industries but applied in general to a vast area of other industries too. For beginners, let me start with describing few methods in software industry and we shall proceed to manufacturing plants later on. Fan-In Fan-out complexity: One of the most basic complexity formulae to be derived is Fan-Infant-Out complexity formed by Sallie Henry and Dennis kauri. Let us define the following parameters, L = length of the code in lines Fanon = the number of functions that call a particular function Fan-out= how many functions are called by a given function is calledfanout. Then the complexity of the code by this method is given as Complexity = L* (Fanon*Fan-out)2 In overall essence what exactly this formula does is, it counts the number of data counts from a particular unit of code and number of data counts into that unit or into a data structure to measure the complexity. Not so useful in real time applications with millions of lines of code and very complex algorithms. Software Science: This method was started by Maurice H. Halstead. Again this is a very simple and quite useless sort of algorithm to calculate complexity of program code. The formula for complexity that Halstead proposed was as follows: N=n1logn1 + n2logn2 Where N is the implementation length of the code, n1 is the number of unique distinct operators appearing in the implementation, n2 is the number of unique distinct operands appearing in the implementation. Now he defines the program volume as V =N log(n1 + n2) Where log is logarithm to the base of 2. Then he suggests that more the volume of the program code, more complexity is. As I said the above two measures were quite useless for modern programs involving very complicated algorithms. McCabe’s Cyclamate Complexity: To measure the amount of decision logic that is loops like for loop, while loop etc. or breaks like if, case etc., for a simple software module, we can use McCabe’s Cyclamate Complexity. An example formula that